YMCA building

Family Justice Center building

Earlier this month, Linespex reached out to the YMCA and the family justice center, both located in Anaheim. As you may know, our company is located in the city of Anaheim. As an incentive, we have decided to contribute to our home city and donate temperature cameras. In addition, two of our highly trained employees journeyed to these locations to set the cameras up. To thank the city of Anaheim, we want to do our part to help keep businesses safe from as many covid cases as possible.

Unfortunately, Covid-19 cases had big spikes in the months of July and October. To keep those from continuing, the Linespex Temperature Camera will help reduce the risks. Fortunately, our product helps limit the number of people with highly elevated temperatures in buildings. In addition, this is proven to be an effective way of reducing Covid-19 cases. Overall, we want to keep our city of Anaheim as safe as possible from Covid-19.

Team members at locations

The images show two highly trained employees setting up temperature cameras at two Anaheim locations. To find more information on our temperature camera, click here. In addition, you can talk to our sales team @sales@linespex.com or call  1.800.616.7986