Ice Cream Contaminated with COVID


In a recent article from Fox 11, there were 2089 boxes of ice cream found to be contaminated with the Coronavirus. Unfortunately, more than half of the total boxes were already distributed before they found out that it was contaminated. Immediately after, the customers and employees were notified and told to quarantine themselves. It was stated that the Virus was able to survive in the ice cream because of the cold temperature. This was likely caused by an employee with the virus. Overall, this incident could have potentially caused an increase in the spread of the virus.

Temperature Screening for Employees

After seeing this situation, we now know that it is very possible to happen again. However, there are ways to limit this scenario from occurring again. The Linespex Temperature cameras are capable of taking individuals’ temperatures. This can be useful to many companies. The Temperature Camera can be used to screen employees before entering the building. This can ensure a safer working environment for many individuals. Every day is an unknown as to whether you are exposed to the virus. With the aid of our product, you can limit the interaction of individuals with high and elevated body temperatures. 

Preventative measures

Overall, the Linespex Temperature Camera is able to take temperatures of employees before entering their workspace. This will decrease the chances of the ice cream scenario happening again. With the use of our product, you can ensure that your area is safer than before. To learn more about the Linespex Temperature Camera, click the link here. You can also read the article from Fox 11 here. The sales team can be easily reached by email or phone number. Lastly, you can follow our social media on LinkedIn and Facebook.


TV Stand And Tripod

Temperature Camera