
Enhanced Production Efficiencies, Reduced Product Waste, Secured Product Quality


Streamline Processes, Mitigate Rejections & Recalls, Advanced Throughput


Package Faster, Function Efficiently, Optimize Quality, Monitor and Capture Every Line Segment


Drive Down Costs, Hold Suppliers Accountable, Enhance Automation, Increase Efficiencies

How we can help you!

Our Industrial Vision Systems are designed to improve the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of any manufacturing production line. Enabling on the spot root cause analysis and the ability to track and visualize your downtime events, you can save on product waste, decrease product turnover times, and increase revenue.

Line of Site Systems: Find out how just ONE system can save you thousands of dollars…

Latest News and Events

Linespex Temperature Detection Camera

 Linespex Temperature Detection Camera The LineSpex Temperature Detection Camera provides fast, accurate screening for elevated temperatures. It is non-contact and non-invasive. This is a game changing product to help keep everyone safe during…

Smart Fever Detection Camera

With this global pandemic, a new sense of anxiety has hit all industries and individuals. How do we keep our employees safe, when do we re-open for the public so we can recoup losses, where can we go and feel safe ?. In addition, health authorities…
what is camera aperture

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