With our intelligent downtime system, get to the root cause of unplanned production stops and why they are happening. Our system is extremely versatile and can be used in almost any application.
With the implementation of lean tools, such as our Linespex Premium LSS systems, we can get you on track to a “smarter” more efficient running manufacturing plant. Building a leaner supply chain is key to more accurate lead times, forecasting, greater quality control and less waste. All of which our LineSpex Premium LSS systems can help […]
Watch a video of our new high speed 240 fps camera from real time to slow motion, showing you just some of our cameras capabilities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q9Q2IfgZdU&feature=youtu.be
LineSpex Case Study: How our Industrial Vision Systems are designed to improve the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of any manufacturing production line. Enabling immediate root cause analysis and the ability to track and visualize your downtime events, you can save on product waste, decrease product turnover times, and increase efficiency The Client: A US-Based food […]
How to setup your frame rate and resolution settings for the new A1Webcams LSS HD POC Line of cameras. Feel free to contact us at 1-800-616-7986 for any technical support!
How to setup your DVR network settings for the new A1Webcams LSS HD POC Line of DVRs. Feel free to contact us at 1-800-616-7986 for any technical support.
How to setup serial communication settings for the new A1Webcams LSS HD POC Line of DVRs and cameras, this will help you zoom and focus your cameras from the DVR, on Control Center, or from the camera.