Theme Parks across the United States are choosing the LineSpex Temperature Camera System to open their doors sooner than the competition while providing a safe environment for employees and customers.
Our products have been shown in several videos on YouTube(we will leave the links below) The Linespex Camera system is being used to screen people to ensure their temperatures are not elevated prior to being admitted into the theme parks. We have received a lot of positive feedback regarding our system. People really enjoy how quick and easy the system is not only to install but also for those who are having their temperature checked. We are able to check significantly people by utilizing more than one region of interest for subjects to walk through. All while being just as if not more accurate than other “solutions” that are being used elsewhere.
People that have visited the theme parks said that they were impressed that the theme parks are utilizing a system that is more advanced than the IR temperature guns that are common. We are proud to have thousands of our systems installed all over the world across different applications; Theme Parks, Public Transportation, Manufacturing Facilities, and Retail Stores.
Picture Credit: WestCoaster